MEET Matisse


I guide visionaries, leaders and creatives to access their innate power in service to personal and collective evolution. 

Weaving transpersonal psychology, earth based spirituality, and systemic constellations, I create experiences that are equal parts sacred and strategic for Evolutionary Creatives who are ready to claim their deepest truth and step into their fullest expression. 

I create experiences and containers for Evolutionary Creatives to

Enhance their Vitality

Free their Voice

Clarity their Vision

Expand their Visibility



My educational journey has included both formal and informal study weaving academic inquiry and earth based traditions. I hold an MA in Transpersonal Psychology with an emphasis in Creative Expression and Transformation. Since 2011, I have been working with therapeutic, energetic and ceremonial processes and practices.

Over the course of my personal and professional development, I also trained in Integrative Sound and Music, Yoga of the Voice, Kundalini Meditation, Energy Medicine, Permaculture and Master Plant Dietas.

The current iteration of the story begins in 2017 when I adopted Gigi, Obi and Nugget and began my apprenticeship in Systemic Constellations with Horses. The horses were the missing piece of my own constellation of purpose, service, and expression. 

The beginning of this chapter came at time of great loss, crisis and inner transformation.

The end of my marriage and losing a family member to mental illness, marked the beginning of my path as a horsewoman.

The descent into the underworld coincided with the ascent into the embodiment and expression of my dream.

Perhaps the best training of all was three years in the forest with the herd  a “chop wood, carry water” chapter which was a bit more of “muck manure and scrub the water troughs!”

Direct experience in the field, both the literal grassy pasture and the morphogenetic field, is the most important teacher training of all.

Commitment to the animals, the land, and the care of my community is the most important path of  practice.


HOW TO WORK THROUGH FAMILY TRAUMA (with horses) – unmasking generational shame

Let's talk Horse Constellations

QUEST Podcast with Todd Fischer In Conversation with MAtisse Williams


explore healing, creativity and leadership in a model that is adaptogenic, integrative and regenerative. They are Feminine Led, while rooted in the seeds of Partnerism. This is the frequency I serve: Evolution and Expression.

There is a beautiful paradox that we are born through her and yet she is birthed through us. Through our words, feelings, actions, relationships and creations.

My offerings focus on a central mission:

To acknowledge and heal our ancestral inheritance and personal patterns,

So we can live in health and harmony with ourselves, each other and the earth.

And consciously participate in writing the story of evolution.

I am committed to the path of feminine becoming in both my personal and professional practice.

This is a process of lifelong study to know her, love her, become her and offer experiences for others to do the same. It is a regenerative path of devotion and service.

I am ever evolving in my capacity to receive the gift of life, and the experience of leaning into the unknown.

I am so deeply grateful for the opportunity to celebrate the range of the human experience.

If the frequency of my story and offerings speak to you, in your body, in your heart, please reach out.

I would love to connect with you.
Whatever stirrings inside you to give and share your gifts in new ways are in me too.

This is how the force of nature speaks to us, with the calling to grow.

I hope you follow that impulse, that voice that energy wherever it leads.

May your journey of self-discovery and remembering be filled with adventure, love, grace and ease.