Let’s Begin.

The Monthly Mentorship is my only offering at this time. This means I’m committed to you fully during our time together. Yay!

There is an option for either two hour bi-weekly or one hour weekly sessions per month.

We will connect between these meetings on voice note via Voxer and track progress via GDocs.

The exchange is $800/Month, with no minimum time commitment.

We go at a natural and organic pace, allowing for breaks and rest, honoring our cycles and rhythms of growth and change.

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After serving this community over the past seven years, I have explored many types of containers and many exchange structures. While I enter this period of writing sabbatical (a hiatus from in-person retreats and workshops), I feel this format offers the most support with the most integrity. Many of my students/clients/mentees are newly transitioning into their sacred work, or prioritizing their creative and spiritual expression. I offer this structure with the intention of nurturing those paths and providing an un-rushed, non pressured environment to grow and thrive.

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Help me get to know you better so that I can serve you best.

Please take some time to thoughtfully complete this application.